Friday, July 13, 2018

Day 4: Hartley Nature Center to Normanna Road

June 5, 2018

Today was an up-and-down day. Not the terrain, but how we felt about the trail. We started off from the Hartley Nature Center on some city streets, and then dipped into the woods. This was pleasant, and there was one very nice overlook.

But then the trail piggybacked on the North Shore Trail, a multiuse path. This wasn't fun. The trail is wide and relatively flat, but the grass was shaggy and there were TONS of spots with water and mud. Sometimes you could hop around it, but most of the time you could not. So our shoes got filled with water and mud. And every time they dried out, we'd reach spots where they got soaked again. :(

Yet there were some fun parts to the day. We saw a pair of Mallards swimming around in a puddle and a funny fish sign by a creek. We saw more wildflowers. Sometimes there were awesome reflections in the puddles.

And there were no bugs. At least until the last 15 minutes or so. That's when some mosquitoes arrived. We've been waiting for them to come out in full force and be horrendous, but so far we've been lucky. Knock on wood.

Tomorrow we leave our nice motel and will be hiking five days and camping four nights. Rain is forecast for three of the four days. Wish us luck!


Miles: 16.9
MN NCT Miles to Date: 68.5
SHT Miles to Date: 68.5
Total NCT Miles to Date: 340.4

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